Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Ephraim Canyon--Scandinavian~Mirkwood

(updated August 25, 2023)
I have split the Ephraim Canyon trails into now 7 different posts.  Please read them all before venturing there.  Here is a link to a recent video. (I had to turn the sound off.)    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIn2_Ick-9I

The Mirkwood and Scandinavian are fairly new (2020-21) but are definitely favorites during the summer season.

(Remember to click on any photo to open enlarged images.)
Scandinavian Trail, May 16, 2022

Yay!!!! as of July, 2023, A GATE has been inserted to make this obstacle passable for horses and humans at about .2 miles in on the Scandinavian Trail.  Thank you to whoever did this.

Thank you to whoever put in this gate .4 miles in on the Mirkwood Trail!! As of August 25, 2023, we didn't even have to go through the gate, but rode around it.

Logging area, Mirkwood Trail, August 25, 2023

Loop done on August 25, 2023. Included the Templar, Mirkwood, Scandinavian and Stop Watch trails. Total mileage=5.9; Downed timber=1 spot; Gates=2; Boggy spots=2;

    On October 8, 2020 we parked at Ponderosa TH and rode up to Willow Creek Road TH.   From there we went on a trail recon and found a lovely trail that sort of paralleled the Willow Creek forest service road (0051).  It begins at the intersection of FS road 0051 and the canyon road.  See the photo below☺. I found out later it has a name:  Scandinavian Trail.  https://www.trailforks.com/trails/scandinavian/

Here is a photo (2020) of the entry with the smiley face paper plate. Since this photo was taken, this entrance has been revamped and no more smiley face. 😂, But an actual trail sign.
Same spot as above only 2.5 years later.

There are a few new trail signs.

Here is our track for that day, October 8, 2020--6.75 miles round trip. 85% soft dirt, 15% slightly gravelly or rocky. Altitude=7,388' to 7,848'.

The above ride was stellar...soft trails, vibrant colors, forests of maples, evergreens, aspens.  Almost perfect.  Just missing a water feature.   It included Stop Watch, all of Scandinavian and even rode a portion of a trail we found out is named "Patriot."  I had originally thought it was "Maple Syrup", but that trail has been closed, re-routed.  Too bad, somehow I like the name Maple Syrup better

 The following photos are from our October 8, 2020 ride of the Scandinavian Trail:


NEXT UPDATE--OCTOBER 14, 2020 ride included most of what is called "Mirkwood" Trail.  This trail was just completed in 2020 and is amazing in my opinion.  Why?  Soft, wide dirt trail that has many ups and downs and winds through forest of aspen, evergreen, maples, willows and has expansive views of the Ephraim area.  We will be going back here often.  Only thing missing is that water feature.

The following photos are on the Mirkwood Trail:


This was our track for Oct. 14, 2020.  About 7 miles. We parked at Ponderosa.  It included part of the Ponderosa Trail, most of the Scandinavian and Mirkwood trails.  Elevation=7,382' to 8,068'.  Trail conditions=90% soft dirt, 10% gravelly or somewhat rocky.

   For more information run a search for "Mirkwood" trail in Ephraim Canyon.

(Update:  We went on Saturday, May 15, 2021 and only saw one other person on a trail--he was riding a bike on the lower trail. There is a small stream across the Scandinavian for horses and dogs to drink, but it disappears later in the season.)

A transient "pond" only there in the Spring in most years.

As of August 25, 2023, the pond is still there.

Another pond usually only there in the Spring.

Things starting to green up. May, 2021

This is the intersection of the Scandinavian and Mirkwood Trails. 

There ARE numerous places along the Willow Creek Road to disperse camp.   


Scandinavian Trail on June 24, 2021

Mirkwood on July 7, 2022

Mirkwood on July 12, 2022

Mirkwood on July 28, 2022

Mirkwood Logging , June 11, 2024 

June 11, 2024 "Warnings" on the Mirkwood.  We didn't see any logging action.

Scandinavian, June 11, 2024

Mirkwood, June 19, 2024

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Huntington Canyon~Candland Mountain

We had to at least try this trail because it is only a 38 minute drive from home.  The photos on the internet looked great and the trailhead showed signs of heavy horse usage.  It WAS a beautiful day for a ride.  Not much autumn color except for some aspen. 
 However, we're crossing this trail off our list.  Too much climbing and then you have come down what steepness you go up.  There were parts on the trail that had me totally stressed out...that is the trail was narrow and on the side of a steep hill with banks caving and rocks all on a downhill.  No photos of this, not that any could do it justice.   
Glad we tried it, but won't be going back.

(UPDATE!  August 5, 2021, We drove by the trailhead and I was astonished at the decimation of the forest!  Apparently logging prevails!  No more trail on this lower part, but only two logging roads.  This is sad, because this part was the prettiest forest.  Oh well, maybe they will reconstruct the trail with some switchbacks.)

August 5, 2021

August 5, 2021

Photo taken from a website from several years back.

The following shows the parking area just past Cleveland Reservoir and just before Electric Lake.

This is our track. We got in slightly more than 2.7 miles out of the total 6 mile trail. Elevation was 8,652' to 9,954'. Ascent/Descent=1,290'  Trail conditions=90% dust/dirt; 10% Rocky. (Glad it wasn't rockier or it really would have been miserable.)

Starts out in lovely forest, but steep.

There is one section where the trail follows an old pipeline.  Wish the whole trail was that nice.

Reached the top of one ridge.

There were some spectacular views.

Here we are approaching the "Hellish Hillside."

Nice view of Cleveland Reservoir.  We could also see Miller Flat Reservoir.

Occasionally, through some lovely aspen.

It was shortly after this next photo that we came to a heavily forested area that was super steep to ascend.  We got up it, but declined on going any further.  It was just too steep and that next ridge looked too high.     

Next photos are once we were past the steep descent.  Looking at these, it looks like a great ride!  We did hear alot of elk bugling.


That's Electric Lake in the far distance.

The next picture is one from the internet that made it look wonderful.