Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Gunlock State Park, Utah

This was our second ride of the St George getaway. All things considered it was a gorgeous ride, covering some wild country.
 Again our horses stayed at Reinmakers.  This is about a 40 minute drive from St. George. (19 miles)
 We had no idea what to expect.  Looking back, we are glad we did it, but would think twice about doing it again.  The strenuous rock climbing through the slot canyons was very dicey.  I didn't think horses could go through rough rocks like that.  I didn't get photos of the worst spots because we were too busy negotiating terrain. We were warned that horses had been seriously injured here and to be careful. If you do decide to do this trail, please go with a guide who has done it before.  There are too many places where the trail is not marked.  After completing the rocky slot canyons, I wondered if we would have to go back through.  In my mind, I went through all kinds of scenarios where I would not have to do that. After all those mind trips, we discovered  it was a loop ride...Yay!  We were lucky to have guides. 
 Another way to do it would be to ride down to the slots, then back up, then out clockwise, where we went counter-clock wise.  That way you make the ride as long as you desire without being locked into the 13+ miles of the loop.

(Click on any of the photos to open enlarged images)
April 19, 2013; Total distance: 13.16 miles; Highest elevation: 4,074; Total elevation change:  1,440 ft; Trail conditions: dirt/gravel/sand 70%, rocky 28%, treacherous rocks 2%

parking area

Entering the slot canyon area.  It was amazing, but dangerous in spots.

This is a sample of the rocks we had to climb.
Photo by Michael George

Photo by Michael George
Ahhhh...through the worst part.

Lunch spot

Converging at the watering hole.

There were even goldfish in the tank. ????

River crossing right near the end.

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