
Kanab Area Trip, April, 2014 Video Link

This is a link to a video I made of our Kanab Trip.  It condenses 4 days of riding into 4 minutes.  Highlights of East Fork of the Virgin, Snake Gulch, Buckskin Gulch, and Paria River/Hackberry Canyon.

View From our room at the Bed and Breakfast...looking down on our horses' accommodations.


  1. How did you avoid quicksand when you were on these sandy trails by the river?

    1. We have only encountered quick sand twice on rides and it wasn't on any of these rides. Once, near Deer Springs Ranch near Kanab and once at Fontenelle Reservoir in Wyoming. Both times the sand was on a "beach" and didn't look any different than other sand except water was NOT flowing on it. I guess there's always a risk when riding in this kind of country.
