
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pine Valley, Shingle Creek, Utah

Reasonably easy trail in the western Uinta Mountains, about 6 miles east of Kamas. Compared to other trails in the area, it's free of snow fairly early in the season.  In June, some deep mud pockets can persist. It is recommended for Spring and Fall riding when the higher elevations are inaccessible due to snow. Once you leave the Beaver Creek portion for the Pine Valley Trail, it gets more open and rocky.  There are other trails in the area.  I just haven't ridden them yet.

A string of beaver ponds within the first half mile of trail. Best parts of the trail here! This is actually called the "Beaver Creek" trail. Beaver Creek joins Shingle Creek further south.

Directions from Kamas, Utah

Close up of the parking area at the trailhead.  There is room for about 3 trailer rigs if not too many cars. There is a rest room. 
7.65 miles up to ridge and back.  Min Altitude=7,326'; Max Altitude=7,579'.  Ascent/Descent=633'; Trail conditions=75% dirt, 3% mud, the rest is gravelly and rocky.  A barefoot horse in reasonably good condition can handle it fine. Tender footed horses need boots or shoes for the rocky parts.

Take this turn off up to the Pine Valley trail.

Some muddy spots.

A couple of nice meadows and open spots.

About 2.7 miles in there is a gate.  On the other side are cattle.

Gorgeous views of Pine Valley.

Typical of the trail up on the ridge.

The "Top".  There is where I would recommend turning around.  The trail goes further down to State Highway 35, taking about another 2 miles.  Not sure what that part is like.  My guess is dry and open.

Again, typical of the rocky parts of the trail.

Nice views back towards the Uintas and Haystack Mountain in the far distance.

Typical of the dirt parts of the trail.

Beaver ponds on the way back to the trail head.

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