
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mueller Park, Bountiful, Utah

This is a spectacular ride with amazing vistas and the trail winds through all kinds of maple, aspen and evergreen forest.  We rode it on October 18, 2014.  It is accessed from 1800 S. in Bountiful.  There is no parking lot, so you must get there very early in order to snag a spot on the side of the road. The trail gets a lot of bike and hiker traffic.
 We got our spots at 7 am and it was still dark.  We rode a loop and came out North Canyon, but that is only do-able if you have a shuttle.  North Canyon has pretty much only private property with a narrow dirt road access and no parking.  I recommend parking on 1800 S. and just riding up as far as you want to, then ride back out the same way.  

Click on any photo for enlarged images.

Road on which to park.  We parked just below the road turning left, so we had a place to turn around.  Ride a hundred yards or so to the trail head.

This was the track of our 10.72 mile ride.  There was about a 2200' ascent/descent.  The trail is 70% dirt/ 30% rocky. 

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