
Monday, October 21, 2013

Monte Cristo, Utah, Bluff Springs

Previously called Neponset Spring--a nice ride with a little bit of everything.  The water features are basically watering holes. or troughs.  This one is best done with a guide.  We have done it twice and MIGHT be able to negotiate it on our own. Several landmarks were pointed out to me. There are several gates and possibly cattle milling about and loads of dust.   On August 17, we competed with bow hunters for space and parking.  Most of the photos are taken from both rides in 2012 and 2013. The Backcountry Horsemen have completed corrals in this area as of 2018.  See photos below.  It's just off FS road 068.

(click on any photo to open enlarged images.)

Total distance: 9.78 miles; Maximum altitude: 8,515 ft; ascent=2,042 ft; descent=2,226 ft; Trail conditions: 80% dirt, 20% rocky/gravel 


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