
Friday, October 11, 2013

Dry Canyon, Cache Valley, Utah

Dry Canyon is a nice ride as an alternate to busy Green Canyon. Even on a holiday weekend, the parking area was almost deserted.  It is not open to biking. It is not nearly as open as Green or Providence Canyons. There are no vistas of scenery, but just a lovely forest ride. It lies at the end of Mountain Road in Logan, Utah, Mountain Road is really and extension of Center street so it is easy to find. Just follow Center Street East as far as you can go. It will veer to the left once you get to the top of a hill in the eastern part of town. Then you will take a right onto Mountain Road and follow it to the end.

(Click on one of the photos to open a slide show of enlarged images.)

For more information refer to:

Sept. 2, 2013; Distance covered: 5.58 miles; Maximum Altitude: 6,869 ft; Trail conditions: 30% dirt, 40% gravel/dirt mix, 30% rocky
Parking area

Photo by Teisha Preece

Photo by Teisha Preece

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