
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Deer Springs Ranch, Kanab, Utah

Some of our children set this trip up in 2012, so we had grandchildren with us.  They all went on hikes to other places, while we did our own thing with horses.  I would not particularly recommend this place as a destination point for horse back riding.  The drive was long and the last part was extremely dusty.   All in all, an interesting trip.  Fun to be with family, but there are better rides closer to home.
Thankfully, it was in April when it wasn't too hot.  It was even chilly and windy. Daytime temps were in the 60s.

(click on any photo to open enlarged images.)

For information on cabin rentals:

This shows the route from Highway 89, Glendale,Utah. 28 miles of dusty, dirt/gravel road
I didn't track any of our rides because I didn't realize Endomondo worked without a phone signal.  There is no cell phone signal anywhere near here.  They do have a Wi-Fi, but you have to get the code.  Since we had no phone signal, we communicated with the outside world via Facebook and E-mail.

And this is the good part of the road.  You can approach north on Hwy 89, through Alton OR Glendale.  I think Glendale is the better road and not as long.

Our Cabin #7...Be aware that they do NOT have electricity or cell phone coverage.  
Inside of Cabin #7.  

Map showing our cabin and the horse corral.

The horses' accommodations
The first evening, we just rode around the area surrounding the ranch. 

Our ride route the 2nd day.  

We set out the 2nd day up a canyon just south of the ranch.  We were told this would be a nice ride into the Grand Staircase NM.  

So far, so good

Looking scenic, so far so good
We were only about a half mile into this ride, when Shrek became mired in quicksand. You can't see it in photos, but he sank up to his belly. Trailblazer Bob was able to jump off onto better ground and help Shrek extricate himself.  We had visions of having to go for help, getting a tractor.  It was a tense situation.  Thankfully, he got out and seemed to be only slightly traumatized and not injured.

We continued with our ride, not sure of where to go because we had no map or directions.
Looking back at the ranch, just after the quicksand incident.
We rode into the cedar forests of Grand Staircase, kind of following a faint trail.  We were hoping for a route into some scenic country with possibly some views and vistas.
We rode through miles of country like this.

We found our way to Skutumpah Road, then found another road that turned in the direction we were hoping.  We found a road (which we now know is called Deer Springs Point Road.) followed this road for miles and miles and hours, not seeing anything but juniper forest and sagebrush.  The road turned back toward the ranch.  We hoped for a break through and perhaps a view point.  We had no map, so we had no idea how far to ride.  Eventually we gave up and turned back, riding back out the same way we came, but sticking to the road instead of the forest wandering.  By that point we had been riding about 5 hours.  Later, looking at a map, we had come within a half mile of the look out point.  We were lucky it was in April and the temperatures were cool.  This would be miserable in the hot summer.

Heading back to the ranch.
Our ride route the 3rd day

Began with a little side detour, rather than following the road.

Lots of riding like this.  At least there were some pretty views of the Pink Cliffs. (just below Bryce Canyon)

Lunch spot at a "private" recreation area.  There was no one there.

Beautiful view of the Pinks

This is the Deer Springs Airport...not much going on here.

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