
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Antelope Island, White Rock Bay

These are rides that can be accessed from the White Rock Bay parking area. Riding on the island is almost like a step back in time.  It often has a truly wild feel.  There are always wild life sightings.  We have seen coyotes, bison, deer, antelope.  Riding is limited to certain trails unless you are on the annual bison round-up.  The best times to ride the island are October, November, March and early April.  During the summer, the insects are unbearable.  Winter riding is great if there is very little or no snow.   
This is a state park.Entrance fees apply. Half price for seniors over 62.
There are several horse camping spots in the White Rock Bay Campground next to the horse trailer parking area.  
(Click on any photo to open enlarged images)

New trail map as of  November, 2014...What I used to consider the "White Rock Loop" now includes the "Bone Road Trail " and "Junction Trail."

White Rock Loop: Distance: 8 miles; Maximum altitude: 4,853 ft; Elevation change: 700 ft; Trail conditions: 60% sand, 30% gravel/dirt/small rocks mix; 10% rocky

Heading out from White Rock Bay Campground, April 2010

Bone Road Trail, March 2014

Where Bone Road Trail meets the Junction Trail, March 2014

White Rock Loop trail "on top"

White Rock Loop looking at the Bay

White Rock Loop in November

Last part of the trail with a view of White Rock Bay
One of the other options is to take the Elephant Head spur.  This portion has fabulous views, but is very rocky.

View of White Rock Bay from the Elephant Head trail

ANOTHER option is the Split Rock Loop.   This one is spectacular and less traveled. 

White Rock Bay, Split Rock Loop; Total distance: 12.7 miles; Maximum altitude: 4,896 ft; Ascent/descent=1,540 ft; Trail conditions: 40% sand, 30% dirt/gravel, 30% rocky

Old Wild Horse Corral...interesting story

Great trail for cantering

We recently found out there is beach riding allowed.  Instead of going east from the parking area through the fence/gate, turn south west. Riding "west" of the fence line on the beach is allowed. (It might be "north west") There is a trail down to the beach.  It is deep sand and then salt encrusted sand.  It is about a mile to reach the water. We never did reach the water because we were concerned about "quick sand" conditions.
Look closely in the background and you can see the fence on the beach that you need to keep on the western side of it.

About 5 minutes from sunset...looks like I have a long legged horse!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am from Connecticut and just moved here to Utah in September. I have been catch riding with various people since I had to leave my horse back home. This weekend I joined a friend on an Antelope Island trail ride and it was absolutely amazing! So glad I found your blog so I can share some of your amazing trail rides with my friends with horses!

    Katie @

  3. Hi,
    Looks like we are doing the same thing, I blog about my horse camping adventures and rides as well. I will be reading more of yours to see about the beautiful areas you ride that I will hopefully get to see soon. Happy trails :)
